Aiden was kind of upset that he still had to go, which made me sad but its the best for him to help him along. As kindergarten approaches a lot sooner than I think, I am very concerned that he will not be ready with his speech and how some people can't understand him. My thoughts in my mind as of right now that I have been going through my mind a lot lately. Are the kids going to make fun of him because he may not be where everyone else is on language and have to explain to a 5 yr old why kids can be so mean, or even why the kids won't play with him because they don't understand what he's saying.
As I talked to the therapist today, she has stated that aiden has a severe case of apraxia which could stay with him forever and he may have to deal with this forever. I keep thinking that maybe I did something while I was pregnant with him that caused him to have this speech apraxia everyone talks about. So now they are thinking that maybe a speech communication device that he has to carry around with him everywhere to help with his speech. They give these machines to people that can't talk or communicate with others or even people who have had strokes and can no longer speak. I hope that this machine if he qualifies for it really helps him to talk a lot better but I don't know I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens. Sometimes I think life for kids is harder than we think, especially children that have a disability.But as one of my family members quoted today "
Aiden Michael
Madisyn Rose
Aiden turns 1
Madisyn Rose turns 1